2023 Q1 – First Quarter

The market peaked in the third quarter of 2022, and then cooled from the frenetic pace that started in mid-2020.
Buyers seemed to be pausing to determine what would happen with interest rates and the probability of a recession. There are still more buyers than sellers, but market activity is less intense.

Taos Neighborhoods & Map

*map graphic image curtesy of Taos News TOWN OF TAOS Taos Plaza resides at the heart of the historic district, surrounded by shops, galleries and restaurants within easy walking distance of neighboring homes. At nearly 7,000 feet, the town is relatively flat with a variety of native plants and trees. BLUEBERRY HILL An increasingly popular … Read more

Love Letters to Taos #1: Music Outposts

music outposts

Though locals will attest that it isn’t quite back to pre-pandemic levels, there is undoubtedly a rich music scene bubbling in Taos. Read on for the lowdown on our favorite Taos venues. A member of the National Independent Venue Association, (NIVA) Taos Mesa Brewing has long been the keystone of the music scene in our … Read more